Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Carl Hazlewood  BlackHead Anansi Her Slow Dance, 2022  polyester, cut Hahnemuhle paper, vinyl tape, push pins, map pins, oil pastel, acrylic, metallic cord, pigment ink  51 x 34 inches

Carl Hazlewood

BlackHead Anansi Her Slow Dance, 2022

polyester, cut Hahnemuhle paper, vinyl tape, push pins, map pins, oil pastel, acrylic, metallic cord, pigment ink

paper: 51 x 34 inches
frame: 56 1/8 x 39 9/16 x 3 3/16 inches


Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Dorothy Hood Untitled 1181, 1982-1997 collage on mat 32 x 20 inches

Dorothy Hood

Untitled 1181, 1982 – 1997

collage on mat

paper: 32 x 20 inches
frame: 35 15/16 x 24 1/8 x 1 inches


Nathaniel Donnett Pioneerprotectology, 2024 fabric, reclaimed backpack, ink, paper 18 x 18 inches

Nathaniel Donnett

Pioneerprotectology, 2024

fabric, reclaimed backpack, ink, paper

sheet: 18 x 18 inches
frame: 20 7/16 x 20 7/16 x 2 3/8 inches


Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Nathaniel Donnett Extraction, 2024 reclaimed backpacks, ink, duct tape 18 x 18 inches

Nathaniel Donnett

Extraction, 2024

reclaimed backpacks, ink, duct tape

sheet: 18 x 18 inches
frame: 20 7/16 x 20 7/16 x 2 3/8 inches

Private Collection

Salle Werner Vaughn  Metamorphosis of a Rose, 2012  faux marble painted box, dung balls, sea shell, nail from a crucifix

Salle Werner Vaughn

Metamorphosis of a Rose, 2012

faux marble painted box, dung balls, sea shell, nail from a crucifix

8 1/2 x 6 x 1 11/16 inches


Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Dorothy Hood Untitled, 1980s oil and collage on canvas 40 x 30 x 3/4 inches

Dorothy Hood

Untitled, 1980s

oil and collage on canvas

40 x 30 x 3/4 inches


Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Nari Ward Bird, 1993 - 2014 ink, wooden dominos, polymer, graphite, pigment and steel cut tacks on wood panel 21 x 15 inches

Nari Ward

Bird, 1993 - 2014

ink, wooden dominos, polymer, graphite, pigment and steel cut tacks on wood panel

21 x 15 inches


Carl Hazlewood  BlackHead Laughter, 2016  Archival cut papers, graphite, pastel, mesh and faux pearls  20 x 16 inches

Carl Hazlewood

BlackHead Laughter, 2016

Archival cut papers, graphite, pastel, mesh
and faux pearls

paper: 20 x 16 inches
frame: 18 7/16 x 13 11/16 x 2 1/4 inches


Dorothy Hood Doors, 1982-1997 collage on mat 19 7/8 x 15 7/8 inches

Dorothy Hood

Doors, 1982 – 1997

collage on mat

paper: 19 7/8 x 15 7/8 inches
frame: 24 1/8 x 20 3/16 x 1 inches


Louise Nevelson Untitled, 1975 cardboard and wood collage on board object: 30 x 20 inches frame: 32 3/8 x 22 7/16 inches

Louise Nevelson

Untitled, 1975

cardboard and wood collage on board

object: 30 x 20 inches
frame: 32 3/8 x 22 7/16 inches


Salle Werner Vaughn A Touch of Daphne, 2020 shou sugi ban, palm bark, golden leaf

Salle Werner Vaughn

A Touch of Daphne, 2020

shou sugi ban, palm bark, golden leaf

14 1/8 x 5 7/8 x 2 1/8 inches


Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Radcliffe Bailey Notes from Tervuren, 2015 initialed and dated on lower right corner gouache, collage, and ink on sheet music paper: 12 x 9 inches frame: 21 1/4 x 18 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches

Radcliffe Bailey

Notes from Tervuren, 2015

initialed and dated on lower right corner

gouache, collage, and ink on sheet music

paper: 12 x 9 inches
frame: 21 1/4 x 18 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches


Jodi Hays Brother Jones, 2024 dyed cardboard, found textile, and vinyl collage on aluminum Dibond (ACM) on wood stretcher 24 x 18 inches

Jodi Hays

Brother Jones, 2024

dyed cardboard, found textile, and vinyl collage on aluminum Dibond (ACM) on wood stretcher

24 x 18 inches


Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Robert Motherwell The Red and Black No. 3, 1987 - 1988 oil-based etching ink, pasted papers, and aquatint on paper 31 1/2 x 25 inches

Robert Motherwell

The Red and Black No. 3, 1987 – 1988

oil-based etching ink, pasted papers, and aquatint on paper

paper: 31 1/2 x 25 inches
frame: 34 5/8 x 28 1/8 x 1 5/8 inches


Delita Martin Garden by Moonlight, 2024 signed recto, lower right relief printing, charcoal, acrylic, printed papers, hand stitching 60 x 40 inches

Delita Martin

Garden by Moonlight, 2024

signed recto, lower right

relief printing, charcoal, acrylic, printed papers, hand stitching

paper: 60 x 40 inches
frame: 65 11/16 x 45 3/16 x 2 1/4 inches


Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Installation view of Strangeness, Tone, Translucency at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas

Jodi Hays Remaindered, 2024 dyed cardboard collage on aluminum Dibond (ACM) on wood panel 24 x 18 inches

Jodi Hays

Remaindered, 2024

dyed cardboard collage on aluminum Dibond (ACM) on wood panel

24 x 18 inches


Salle Werner Vaughn Medusa, 2012 hand mirror painted in oil mounted on rock

Salle Werner Vaughn

Medusa, 2012

hand mirror painted in oil mounted on rock

13 1/8 x 6 5/8 x 2 1/2 inches
